How To Lucid Dream Without Sleep Paralysis?

How Sleep Paralysis Works?

Before we get into how not to have sleep paralysis, we should know how sleep paralysis works. Sleep paralysis occurs to stop your body from acting out your dreams and end up hurting yourself. So, it is a good and healthy thing that we experience. Sleep paralysis stops us from kicking and choking ourselves or our partners while we are dreaming. Everyone has sleep paralysis every night unless you have a disorder like sleepwalking that keeps you from having it. If you do not have sleep paralysis, you could end up walking and falling or breaking something. But how to lucid dream without sleep paralysis? As mentioned, it is something we all experience, but the point is being or not being aware of it. There are a lot of techniques to use lucid dreams without sleep paralysis.

How to Lucid Dream Without Sleep Paralysis?

There are some methods you could use to have a lucid dream without sleep paralysis that you might try before going to bed and lucid dreaming. The reason we experience sleep paralysis is that we try to keep our minds awake while we are asleep. What you should be aiming for here is to induce a lucid dream as naturally as possible. You should, for instance,

-Do reality check frequently until it becomes natural to you

Write down your dreams in a dream diary between sleep or every morning

-Try meditating often to calm your mind and practice dream recalling 

Lucid Dreaming Techniques That Do Not Involve Sleep Paralysis

Once you have got used to these habits and perform them as routines of your daily life, you should know that there are several lucid dream techniques that you could use to lucid dream and avoid sleep paralysis:

-Using The MILD method

-Using video gaming to induce lucid dreams naturally using the Tetris effect 

-Writing induced lucid dreams with your intentions about your lucid dreams

You can also use the Dreambook App to explore the possibilities of lucid dreaming. By keeping a steady dream journal, you can get better at lucid dreaming in no time.
