SSILD Lucid Dreaming

SSILD (Senses Initiated Lucid Dreaming) is a powerful lucid dreaming method that has been tried and tested by a large number of individuals with overwhelmingly favorable outcomes. It’s simple to do, making it ideal for novices. When it’s paired with other tried-and-true methods like MILD (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams) or WBTB (Wake Back To Bed), the odds of having a lucid dream skyrocket. Try ssild technique for best lucid dreaming results.

Remember to complete the three cycles. Approximately 4–5 hours after you went to bed,

interrupt your sleep with an alarm, similar to the WBTB approach. If you go to bed at 11 p.m., for example, waking up around 3.30 a.m. is perfect. Around that time, you’ll be in REM sleep, which is when dreams last the longest and clarity is most probable. 

What exactly is SSILD?

A “Cycle” is the primary component of ssild. Each cycle is made up of three steps: 

Close your eyes and pay attention to the blackness behind your closed eyelids while you concentrate on sight. However, don’t overwork your eye muscles. Your eyes should be closed and completely relaxed. It’s quite normal if you don’t see anything. Moving your gaze around will not help you notice sights. This is the first step of ssild lucid dreaming.

Relax your eyes even more and concentrate your focus on your ears. You may be able to hear some noise within your mind or the sound of your heartbeat if the environment is calm enough. If you can’t hear anything, though, it’s OK to listen to external noises. 

Direct your attention to your body by focusing on the somesthetic senses (touch). Feel it for tingling, heaviness, lightness, spinning feelings, and other strange sensations. Try feeling the weight of the blanket, your pulse, the temperature, and so on. 

Lucid dream ssild was built from the bottom up to be easy, if not “idiot-proof.” It avoids sensitive, non-measurable mental activities and does not use sophisticated methods like relaxation and visualization. The idea that lucid dreaming is more “art” than “technique” is used. It does not need talent or creativity, and there is minimal potential for improvising. Simply follow the procedures indicated below and you should be good to go. SSILD is used in such a way that adding anything more to it may have a bad influence on its performance.

For SSILD dream technique, try dream journaling. You can also use the Dreambook App to get better at lucid dreaming. In Dreambook, you will have more control over dreams through dream journaling and analyzing.

