What Is Dream Analysis?

While it has been argued for centuries that why we dream, the analysis of them is another matter of conflict. An average person spends 26 years of their life sleeping. And per night, we dream 4-6 times. While we spend that much time doing that, how can dreams not be important? What is dream analysis is a controversial subject for many whether dreams can have real meaning or not. Some researchers say that dreams have no meaning, just some random images, while others claim that they reveal what we really desire. So it has been important to analyze our dreams. Let’s explore dream analysis’s meaning!

Dream analysis in theory

Dream analysis is an interpretation of the dreams we experience. It is a process that is made for learning and understanding the meanings of dreams. Dream analysis seems too easy and becomes more and more common as the day goes. There are millions of analyses on the web which you can easily access. You can find everything you are looking for. Think of the most unimaginable dream you have ever seen, even that can be found on the internet with one single click. But it is actually something deeper than that. It is also claimed by well-known neurologist Sigmund Freud that dreams are revealers of our minds (1). That is one of the reasons why dream analysis is an important part of therapy. It is thought that through dreams one’s real thoughts and desires can be learned. This can be a tool that helps therapy get easier. Carl Jung, also a famous Swiss psychiatrist of all time, student of Sigmund Freud, claimed that dreams can be a key for the unconscious mind as well (2). What they disagree with is that while Sigmund Freud thinks it is best to consult a therapist to analyze the dream, Carl Jung the dreamer is the one who can analyze their dream best. 

Analysis of the dreams

There are several techniques used for dream analysis. The first and most used one is keeping records. In this technique, you may have a notebook on your side table. The moment you wake up, open it and let your thoughts pour into your dream journal. Write every single moment that you can remember in the dream. Through this, you will start to remember dreams better. It is also said that remembering the feeling and emotions you feel in the dream can be helpful. The emotional status that you are in, during the dream and just after you wake up from it is crucial. Feelings may be experienced in an unusual way during dreams.

With the Dreambook App, you can start analyzing your dreams easily. Just download the app and start recording and recalling dreams!



1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychoanalytic_dream_interpretation

2: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/transcending-the-past/201610/understand-your-dreams-using-jungs-active-imagination

