How to Interpret a Lucid Nightmare?

You might find it surprising, but it is even possible to find a meaning behind any lucid dreams or nightmares you have dreamt. Just like any other ordinary dream, you can find an interesting ‘hidden’ meaning behind a lucid dream nightmare. However, to understand what they can mean and how to interpret dreams, you should pay close attention to the uniqueness of that nightmare—especially the dream symbols and other distinctive features you may have noticed. Here, Dreambook will be your best assistant in keeping a dream diary, drawing paralyses, categorising and labelling, and having a specified calendar. Let us explore how it is possible and easy to do so.

Keep a dream diary

It is often hard to recall what you have dreamt after a few hours following your awakening. So, how to track dreams, such as lucid nightmares? One of the best solutions for that might be having a dream diary, in which you can record the dreams you have seen and how unique they were. Dreambook provides you with an easier way of doing it through its mobile application, available on iOS and Android.

Try to draw paralyses

Mostly the meaning hides under the skin of uniqueness. A lucid nightmare is not an exception to this widely accepted fact. Nevertheless, you can discover some interesting details in such nightmares, which you might not be able to give a rational explanation for at first glance. Keeping a dream diary will assist you a lot in recording such unique details. You can use Dreambook’s application to not only record, but also you can compare and draw similarities among them later on. After using Dreambook for a while, you will start noticing similarities between different dreams, and by interpreting them, you may be able to understand the meaning behind them.

Categorise the lucid nightmares

You can follow a more structural approach to interpreting your lucid nightmares. There are many ways to do so, but it might be wiser to use a dream journal to avoid any complexity you can encounter in other methods. For example, Dreambook allows you to use dream hashtags, the labels you can put to the lucid nightmares you have seen. By doing so, you can not only keep a structural and clean record of the different kinds of lucid nightmares you have seen but also follow what your friends and other people have been seeing in their own nightmares.

Dream calendar

Who says a calendar can only be good when it comes to keeping track of important upcoming events or the birthdays of your friends and relatives? Dreams can also be recorded in a calendar, from which you can find interesting connections and meanings behind the occurrences of lucid nightmares. Dreambook allows you to observe and analyse your saved dreams on a calendar view based on their dates and other relevant information.

Use a dream journal to access your lucid nightmares later too

You might need to leave your home, and sometimes it can be hard to carry on the information you have been gathering regarding the lucid nightmares you had. Let us imagine that you are visiting a friend or a specialist, and you would like to share these records you have been taking. You can use Dreambook’s Dream Journal feature, which allows you to share this information between your devices. Thanks to this fantastic feature, you can monitor your records on another phone.

Final words

It is indeed hard to understand the real meaning behind a dream. Lucid dreams and nightmares are not easier to interpret, either. However, by using different techniques and strategies, you can always keep a clean and structural record of such visions, especially with the help of Dreambook. Dreambook is a perfect online dream journal app that you can use to save, track, analyse and interpret your lucid nightmares without restrictions.
