How to Forget a Bad Dream?

Dreams that are upsetting rather than terrifying are more common. These are the nightmares in which we become stuck in mazes and can’t find our way out, search for something we can’t discover or recognize, or are abandoned or betrayed by a loved one. Bad dreams might persist for a long time after you wake up. How to forget a bad dream, though? We feel fragmented, discombobulated, and uncomfortable as the aftereffects follow us about like slimy shadows. We become hesitant to go to bed at night for fear of the dream returning, so we stay up late and suffer from a sleep deficit, which adds to unsettling nightmares. 

There are many answers to the question: “how to forget about a bad dream.” It’s common to feel anxious after having a distressing dream. Unlike daydreams, which we can easily snap out of, sleep dreams leave us with impressions that are similar to those of simulator games. Dreams seem real while we are dreaming them, and when they cease, they leave a sensation of having been genuine. Now, let’s look at ways how to forget your bad dreams.

Ways to Forget a Bad Dream

The sooner we cease thinking of the dream as something that occurred, the quicker we will be able to recover from its consequences. We pray or meditate, calm down with a mantra, or concentrate on our breathing. This keeps us from ruminating and helps us get rid of the disquiet or gloom that we felt when we awakened. We can more readily forget dreams if we refuse to revisit them. While this may help us shake a dream’s lingering gloom, if the dream’s memory is so strong, or if the dream is so recurrent, it may be good to find out what it represents. 

Decipher Your Dreams

We may utilize inquiry to investigate and decipher the significance of distressing dreams. Decoding them, particularly reoccurring dreams might help you put a stop to them. To identify non-literal, other interpretations, we should examine the dream for symbolic imagery and ask ourselves fundamental questions about the items and events in the dream. The aspects of the dream should be seen as objects, and we should explore how we feel about them and how we could interpret dreams. This allows us to build connections between our waking and sleeping lives.

Keep a Dream Journal

If you want to forget about your bad dreams or simply just want to decipher dreams, keeping a dream journal is your best shot. In the Dreambook App, you can keep your dream journal digitally, so you can carry it as you go. You can categorize your dreams through themes, learn about the symbols and start deciphering your bad dreams!

