How to Continue a Dream: Step by Step Guide

Have you ever wanted to go back to the dream you had seconds ago? Chances are that you certainly had, unless it’s a nightmare, of course. We all are curious about the rest of our dreams after waking up, especially if they’re interrupted by a sudden awakening. However, it is possible to continue a dream if you know what to do.

Dream journaling can help you

Before getting into the steps that may help you keep dreaming the same dream, let’s focus on how you can remember your dreams more vividly. To do that, Dream journaling is probably the best way. Also, you can have excellent benefits if you keep a dream journal.

You can reveal the patterns in your dreams. In some cases, you can even use a dream dictionary to analyze repeated imagery or symbols in your dreams. Also, if you’re experiencing a creative block, dream journaling can help you break it.

How to continue a previous dream?

If you wake up in the middle of a dream, there are several steps to follow to resume the same dream. First, you should simply go back to sleep as soon as possible. But how?

1. Go back to or stay still in the position just before you woke up

Some studies suggest that our sleeping position impacts dreams. If you move, it might affect the continuation of your dream. So, stay still and prepare yourself to sleep again. 

2. Close your eyes to easily focus on your previous dream

Keep yourself ready to sleep again. Close your eyes, and stay still. They will help you focus on your previous dream and prevent any visual distractions in your environment. 

3. Inhale and exhale deeply to calm

Deep breaths can help you remain calm. Remember the basics of meditation and yoga. Breathing exercises can help you continue the dream you had. If you can return your breathing to its restful cadence as soon as possible, you have a better chance of going back to sleep while the components of your dream are still circulating in your unconscious mind.

4. Revisit the elements of your previous dream

Thinking about the last parts of the dream you had will help you remember the emotions and get you involved with the dream again. 

5. Keep a dream journal

If you don’t feel like you can go back to sleep again, you should write your dream down as soon as possible before forgetting important details to try to resume your dream the next night or later. Remember the parts of your dream and keep them in your dream diary. You should especially note your role in the dream. Just write down the situation, how you were involved in the dream, where you were, etc.

If you are looking for a dream journal that is perfectly designed, just explore Dreambook and its beautiful features. You can even add hashtags to your dreams and segment them.
