What are Continuous Dreams?

Have you ever noticed that your dreams sometimes follow each other, and your sleeping schedule is like a high tensioned television series or movie sequels? Indeed, it is common to have dreams that continue one after another. Understanding continuous dreams requires a comparative approach, which will distinguish the features of such dreams that resume from the other similar visions and an in-depth analysis that will explain some of their uniqueness. Moreover, we should also discuss the possible ways through which a solution can be found to prevent ourselves from having such dreams or finding the real message behind them.

Continuous dreams vs. recurring dreams

A major mistake is thinking of continuing and recurring dreams as the same. Although it is a fact that these two different forms of dreams share quite a large amount of similarities, one key factor plays the leading role in differentiating them: continuity. As the name suggests, we can argue that continuous dreams have visions that follow each other in terms of content. On the other hand, we might say that recurring dreams repeat each other. Recurring dreams can happen in a short period, whereas continuous dreams can happen even after a long time passes.

How often we might have continuous dreams?

As noted above, continuous dreams do not have the same time restriction that recurring dreams mostly face. In comparison to them, continuous dreams can be seen even after such an extended period, and mostly they can appear in moments that you might expect them the least. The key factor here is finding out the connections such dreams might have, especially if we are trying to identify or derive a specific message out of them.

Can these dreams have a specific message?

As you know, there is a relatively large debate on whether our consciousness influences the dreams we have. Considering this, we can imply that having continuous dreams can have a specific meaning. Moreover, sometimes these continuous dreams can have an interesting context, such as a story with deep connections to your past or a constant discussion with someone you have not seen for quite a time.

Deep connections to your past

One of the most common themes in such continuous dreams is those with deep roots connected to your troubled past. Your consciousness can take you deep into your childhood, during which an interesting moment that you thought to be not that influential may be very critical in reality. Other than your childhood, an unforgettable date you might have had can also appear in these dreams that continue.

Someone you have not seen for quite a time

Just like those memories that have deep connections to your past, there might be continuous dreams in which people you might not have seen can appear. For instance, your son or daughter who lives in a far away country that you have not been in touch with for any reason can show up in your dreams and start to discuss or quarrel with you that lasts longer than just once. In that case, you might need to think about what you can do about these people and how to deal with the struggle they bring with themselves to you, which can trigger your consciousness to produce such dreams that we can categorise as continuous dreams.


What are the characteristics of continuous dreams

After this brief introduction in attempting to bring a definition to the concept of continuous dreams, we can also discuss the characteristics of such visions. If you believe you have been experiencing such dreams, check this list carefully. Who knows, maybe you will find some clues on what you should do from onwards to deal with the struggles these dreams can bring.


Of course, to understand the continuity between such dreams, one should be able to remember what they have seen. If you can not remember this unique “previously on my dream” motto, you might be looking for the explanations that you can not find here successfully. 


How can we discuss continuous dreams without them having the critical factor of continuity? Logically, to suggest that your dreams are continuous, they should have a reasonable connection that you are well aware of.

Symbols all over

One of the other striking features of continuous dreams is the symbols that we can see while having them that represent a possible plot or message behind their continuity. Of course, we might fail while trying to identify them. However, it is a fact that we need to understand the links among them to comprehend the message behind such dreams that continue. 

How to stop having continuous dreams?

It is often thought to be hard to prevent seeing any specific type of dreams due to their deep connections to human psychology and the complexity of the mental system. Nevertheless, instead of taking an easy way out, we can point out some of the potential methods to find a way to prevent ourselves from having such continuous dreams.

Keep a record

No matter how long it can take to see the continuation of a specific dream you have seen, you can identify the distinctive features of that dream and take them as a note in your dream journal. However, it is tough to keep a notebook that you can lose or forget to always bring with you, especially during this digital age. Dreambook is an excellent solution to such problems, and thanks to its online dream journal, you can store your dreams not only in a single specific device but also in all of your devices that support the application. No worries, Dreambook supports both iOS and Android, so compatibility will never be an issue for you.

Put labels to identify the symbols and continuity

As we mentioned above, understanding the dream symbols and their meanings is fundamental in our attempt to find a reasonable explanation for the continuous dreams. To find a comfortable solution to that problem, you might think of utilising labels, or hashtags for our context, to be able to remember what these dreams are really about even after a certain time. Dreambook offers easy navigation through your dreams to identify recurring and re-emerging symbols that can be found.

Final remarks

If you are lucky enough—which is a controversial comment from the very beginning—to see such dreams that have a clear connection to identify them as continuous dreams, you should definitely focus on locating the symbols that they might have to understand their real message, of course, if they really have. Indeed, it might not always be as easy as a child’s play; nevertheless, thanks to the problem-solving solutions that Dreambook offers, it is more comfortable than it could ever be to find a reasonable meaning behind these unusual examples of continuous dreams.
