Why Should You Remember Your Dreams?

Dreams remain a mystery in the scientific community. Many experiments have been done and many theories have been proposed, but researchers still do not fully understand how or why do we dream. Even more complicated is that everyone dreams, but some people never remember their subconscious escape.

Let’s start with why and when the dream occurs. Dreams usually occur during REM sleep, which can occur several times a night. This sleep stage is characterized by rapid eye movement, increased body movement, and faster breathing.Research says that if someone doesn’t get enough sleep consistently, the amount of REM sleep they experience will decrease, making it harder for them to remember their dreams the next day.

When we wake up in the morning, we say that we dream a lot, but we cannot remember the dreams we see. In fact, if a dream’s termination phase occurs upon awakening, our recall rate is much higher than if a dream ends before we wake up. Because the brain has to be awake during the formation of long-term memories. During sleep, the situation is the opposite.Therefore, our rate of remembering a dream is directly proportional to the time between the time we wake up and the time we see the dream.

Ask yourself, “Why should I remember my dreams?” if you’re asking. There are so many good reasons!

Benefits Of Remembering Dreams

  Contrary to popular belief, remembering our dreams has many benefits. It doesn’t matter if your dreams are meaningful or not. You can still benefit from them. Dreams are important for staying healthy. Let’s see why and how.

  1. Your dreaming mind may have access to vital information that you cannot easily access while you are awake.Your dreams serve as a window into your subconscious and reveal your hidden desires and emotions.
  2. By remembering your dreams, you will gain more knowledge, confidence, and self-healing.They can be a source of inspiration, wisdom, joy, imagination, and overall improved psychological health.
  3. Learning to remember your dreams will help you become a more confident, secure, and strong person. By remembering your dreams, you are expressing your feelings and confronting them.

4.Dreams guide you through difficult decisions, relationship problems, health issues, career questions, or any life struggles you may have. It is one of the most important benefits of dreaming.

  1. Remembering your dreams helps you face the stressful aspects of your life.

6 . By remembering your dreams, you will learn more about yourself and your wishes and desires.

Here are just a few of the many benefits you can experience from better remembering dreams. Benefits of remembering your dreams are endless. Dreams tend to be forgotten as soon as you wake up. You need to record dreams so you can understand what they’re telling you later. Dream diary is used for this. And the Dreambook app is the best of them. Always with you to record your dreams! You can set reminders and title your dreams.Thanks to The Dreambook app, you can open and read whenever you want and reveal what they are showing you.


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  • Dreams reveal what we do not know in our subconscious. That's why it's important for me to learn what I don't know about my life and remember my dreams. By writing and interpreting, I reveal the messages my subconscious wants to give me.