Is It Rare To Be Able To Control Your Dreams?

When you’re conscious that you’re dreaming, it’s called lucid dreaming. As the dream unfolds, you can discern your thoughts and emotions. You may be able to control your lucid dream at times. You might be able to alter the characters, setting, or plot. This form of control dream may help to alleviate nightmares and anxiety.

How Rare Is It To Lucid Dreams Every Night?

It’s not uncommon to have control over your dreams. Well, how rare is lucid dreaming? At least one lucid dream will occur in 55 percent of the population, with 33 percent having at least one lucid dream per month. Dream control can be improved by training, resulting in vivid, lifelike dreams in which everything is conceivable. Lucid dreaming isn’t as unusual as most people believe. How rare is it to lucid dream every night then? Over half of the population will have at least one lucid dream during their lifetime, and more than a third will have lucid dreams regularly.

How to Maintain Control Of Your Dreams?

As lucid dreaming occurs most frequently during REM sleep, spending more time in this period will enhance your chances of experiencing one. REM sleep can be prolonged if you get adequate sleep overall. Your body can cycle through all four stages of sleep appropriately if you have good sleep habits. It is easier to have lucid dreams if you maintain good sleep hygiene. Find a sleeping pattern that works for you and stick to it. Maintain a cool and dark sleeping environment. At night, stay away from coffee and alcohol. When you’re awake and dreaming, your degree of consciousness is identical. As a result, by raising your awareness when awake, you can improve your awareness while sleeping. Reality testing is a popular method for accomplishing this. While you’re awake, it trains your mind to notice your consciousness. Throughout the day, the process entails reality checks. You’ll be able to induce consciousness while dreaming as reality testing becomes a habit. A few examples of checking if you’re dreaming are pinching your nose and seeing if you’re still able to breathe, checking your tattoos if you have any, or checking a mirror to see your reflection. In dreams, your tattoos or your reflection won’t look normal. The most crucial rule for having a lucid dream is keeping a dream journal. Metacognition, or awareness of one’s ideas, is required for lucid dreaming. A continuous dream journal is an excellent approach to strengthen your self-awareness and possibly raise your lucid dream control frequency. Keeping an online dream journal, in particular. Unlike paper, an online dream diary is considerably easier to access. You can journal your dreams at any moment thanks to the Dreambook App. 
