How to Stop Lucid Dreaming Nightmares?

It is never easy to find a comprehensive solution to the problems that connect to your consciousness and the complex nature of your mind. However, there are several techniques and strategies that you can follow in your life, which will be more fruitful than you might even expect from them.

This short list of advice on preventing lucid nightmares has a significant connection to the conditions that cause the existence of a lucid dream in the first place. Therefore, basically speaking, by just not doing what causes a lucid dream or a nightmare, as a result, you can avoid seeing such things while sleeping.

1. Sleeping schedule

We mostly forget how important it is to have a healthy and nice sleep because of the stress of daily work life. Having a healthier sleeping schedule will be the initial step to learning how to stop lucid nightmares from emerging in the first place. Going to bed at a regular and adaptable time for both your brain and body will have tremendous results in improving your sleep quality. It is indeed a great asset for your arsenal against lucid nightmares that you should prioritise to achieve as soon as possible.

2. No alcohol, no problem

Are you among the people who think alcohol is their only friend? Well, if it is the case, you might not need to look far to understand why you are experiencing lucid nightmares. This article is not interested in dictating you what to drink; however, you should know that what you see at night may correlate remarkably with what you drink throughout the day. Who knows, maybe you are just feeling pleasantly tipsy not in the day but at night, and these lucid nightmares are the result? You should consider avoiding alcohol at least before going to bed at night.

3. Healthy body, healthier mind

Physical exercise is another good tool you can count on during your fight against lucid nightmares. As you know, a healthier mind comes with a healthy body. Of course, that does not mean you should go and just make yourself inappropriately tired. The quality of your exercises will significantly influence the quality of your dream; this will be more helpful than you might think while struggling to prevent lucid dreaming nightmares.

4. Meditation

If you believe that the physical exercises are not enough to feel better and get more robust against lucid nightmares, you can also think of having some meditation to focus directly on your mental well-being. Eventually, by reaching the best compromise between your physical and psychological health, you will be able to defeat any lucid nightmares that can try to bother you while sleeping.

5. Professional help

Unfortunately, there can be times when you feel and understand that your self measures do not work to the effectiveness you need them to. There is nothing to feel ashamed or nervous about in such a case, as you can just consider visiting a professional like a doctor, who knows what to do and how to make you stop seeing such unnecessary and bothering nightmares in your sleeping cycle. A specialist can point out something about yourself that you might not be aware of, and who knows, maybe it can be the key to pandora.

6. Keeping a dream journal

Well, keeping a dream journal doesn’t really help itself, but recording dreams gives you the opportunity to compare your previous dreams with new ones. So you can figure out details such as recurring dream patterns or dream recall of something you haven’t remembered immediately which can help you identify the reasons that give you those nightmares. Furthermore, it’s a giant leap to solving your problems.

Final words

The strategies for avoiding experiencing a lucid dream nightmare vary a lot since it has many factors influencing it in the background. You can start formulating your strategy simply by avoiding the factors that trigger such visions to emerge in the first place. If you do not think that such steps are not strong or effective enough, you can always think of taking professional help from someone specialising in the functioning of such nightmares.
