Having Lucid Nightmares Every Night

We all can have some unlucky cases and nights when a lucid dream visits and leaves a not-so-good impression behind. In some cases, these dreams can follow each other for a long period. However, some people can report such instances each night: those who face lucid nightmares every night. If you are among them, there might be some alarming signals that you need to pay closer attention to. The list can be expanded, but the following are arguably the main reasons behind most cases when a person reports having a lucid nightmare every night.

1. Problematic sleeping schedule

Although most people are not aware, there is a link between a qualified sleeping schedule and the possibility of having lucid nightmares. People who sleep less than a needed eight hours are more likely to have lucid nightmares, which can destroy sleep quality. Instead of letting it happen, you should go to your bed on a recurring schedule and try to sleep as long as your body healthily needs. Do not forget: weekends are not excluded! You should have a nice and healthy sleep on weekends, just like you should on the weekdays.

2. TV habits tell a lot

If you make your mind and consciousness more exposed to the scary content on television, of course, you might struggle with lucid nightmares more often. Instead of a horror movie, try to watch a comedy. Do not forget that your mind is not limited to only your actions. Always be careful about your circle of friends and family, especially what they watch and talk about when you are together. By putting yourself further from such topics connected to horror, you can avoid having lucid nightmares every single night.

3. A bad diet

What you consume in your diet is as vital as what your eyes consume from television. Having unnatural, fast-food types of products and snacks will do no good to you in this matter as well. Try to adopt a healthier diet, in which you consume more vegetables and more natural products. Especially try to avoid having any junk food before going to bed. Late-night snacks might be the sinister architects of what you see each night. Who knows, maybe you can lose some extra weight while getting rid of annoying lucid nightmares.

4. Stress

Was it really a surprise to see “stress” among the potential candidates causing you to have lucid nightmares every night? Just like what you eat and watch throughout the day has a significant influence on what you experience during the night, what you feel and how much you get deep into a stressful situation can greatly affect your dreams. Educational concerns, annoying neighbours, intolerant bosses, etc. The stress they cause can be the foundation of your lucid nightmares. 

Think carefully and be precise in identifying the roots. Start a dream diary if you want more efficient and quicker results in figuring out the cause of your stress. After doing so, you may start taking measures and go up against that specific reason. Hopefully, in time, you will begin having fewer lucid nightmares.

Final Words

You might already have some ideas on how to fight lucid nightmares. The formula is simple: just find out what might be the primary influencer of your mentality on that path, and try to take your measures against that. You can consider having a better diet, organising your surroundings more carefully and watching less sensitive content on your television. Also, writing down your dreams in a dream journal and dream analysis can also help reduce the number of lucid nightmares.
