How To Keep a Dream Journal For Lucid Dreaming?

Dream journal for lucid dreaming

Everyone dreams. The point is that some have no trouble recalling dreams, whilst others remember just infrequently or not at all.  If you have a strong retention control on your dreams, you may find it easier to practice lucid dreaming. If you can’t recall your dreams, you might struggle to have a lucid dream. How could you know how to lucid dream if you can’t even remember your normal dreams in the first place? This is where dream journals come into play! 

What Is A Dream Journal?

A dream journal is a record of experiences that you have while sleeping. Those who wish to experience lucid dreaming find that keeping a dream journal is an effective method. This is how does a dream journal help lucid dreaming: The more you remember your dreams to write in your journal, the more likely you know how to lucid dream where you will be aware that you are dreaming during your sleep.  

Dream Journal for Lucid Dreaming

Why Should You Keep A Lucid Dream Journal?

There are a few significant aspects of keeping a dream journal for lucid dreaming

Reminder of your dreams: A dream journal helps you remember your dreams better. By writing your dreams down in detail every morning, in a few weeks you will see the huge difference!  A great tip: Have a dream anchor. This is based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) where you choose an object in your bedroom, close to your bed, that will retrain your mind to remember, every time you see it. Whether you go to bed or wake up, every time you see it, it should remind you to remember your dreams. 

Brighter dreams: As you write in your lucid dream journal, you will remember your dreams much better, so that they will start to get more vivid just as everything is real. 

Dream Symbols: After a while, you’ll begin to recognize the symbols of your dreams, which will remind you that you are in a dream. You will have a better understanding of the symbols of your dreams, leading to lucidity! For example, if you frequently dream about imaginary creatures, or if anything exceedingly strange and unreal happens, you are most likely dreaming! As you write down your dreams, these events will become familiar to you, and you will be able to realize that you are dreaming! This is how exploring the world of lucid dreaming will be easier for you. 

Benefits Of Having A Lucid Dream Journal

There are considerable benefits of keeping a dream journal. 

  • Not only does it improve the memory of your dreams, it is also an all-round exercise for your brain!
  • A dream journal for lucid dream requires you into a daily habit of thoughtful observation, making you more aware of your surroundings as well as your inner self.
  • It can provide insight into our minds while sleeping. It is also interesting to re-read dream journal, where we explore where our mind goes. It allows you to interpret your dreams, to find out what is going on inside you, as well as deep wishes, inner feelings and thoughts!

An Effective Way To Keep A Lucid Dream Journal

So let’s see how to keep the lucid dream journal in the most effective way:

  1. Write it down right after you wake up, as dreams fade very quickly after you get out of bed.
  2. Write in the present tense because it will help you remember more details as you dive back into the dream story.
  3. Since dreams can be very bizarre, confusing, and even overlapping at times, a structure can help you keep things simple and write as much detail as you can. Separate the page into parts, where you can write the place, your emotions and feelings, people around you, the actions, the weather, dream symbols or how do you feel now about this dream.
  4. Write a title for each dream. It helps in reference, and to better understand the situation.
  5. Achieving a lucid dream is possible if you commit to it. The mind needs constant reminders to focus. Having your dream journal throughout the day helps you stay focused on the goal.

After all, if you don’t like the idea of walking around with your dream journal, have a lucid dream journal app. The Dreambook App would be perfect for you, an application which allows you to quickly and conveniently record your dreams. As you write your dreams in the Dreambook App, you will get to practice how to lucid dream. 


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  • Lucid dreaming is not easy. So, I started to dream journaling. It helped me a lot because I was written every little detail and every object in my dream. Thanks to the dream journal, I didn’t forget my dreams and it makes it easier to lucid dreaming.