How Long Do Lucid Dreams Last?

lucid dream duration

Dreams are a collection of images, ideas, feelings, and experiences that occur naturally in the mind during different stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams have not been conclusively understood, although they have been the subject of philosophical and religious interest as well as scientific speculation throughout recorded history.

Dreams mainly occur during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, which is when brain activity is high and resembles being awake. REM sleep occurs with the constant movements of the eyes during sleep. Dreams might happen at any point during your sleep cycle. These dreams, on the other hand, are usually much less vivid and unforgettable.

Each person cyclically experiences five phases during sleep, each lasting 5-15 minutes. Each cycle takes 90-110 minutes. In the first cycles of a night’s sleep, the initial phases, which include falling asleep and deep sleep, are longer. In the morning, the duration of REM sleep gradually increases. REM sleep is also the stage when we dream, and in this stage, our brain waves are similar to when we are awake.

Normally we are not aware that we are dreaming while we are dreaming, and there are even times when we do not realize that we are dreaming when we wake up. But on rare occasions we have exceptional exceptions; our consciousness opens to realize that we are dreaming. During these dreams, which we can define as lucid dreams, people can remember what they have experienced while awake and can think clearly and make conscious decisions.

Lucid dreams are normally very rare. Although most people say they have lucid dreaming at least once in their lives, only 20% of us experience this phenomenon once a month or more.

How to Lucid Dream

It is possible to see lucid dreams willingly with some training and experience, and many methods have been developed for this. Lucid dreams can occur in two ways. In the first type, we conclude that we are dreaming by evaluating a strange or unrealistic event during sleep, and we continue our dream consciously. In the second type, we wake up from a dream and quickly fall back asleep with the intention of continuing to dream, and we go from waking to dreaming immediately and deliberately.

So how long do lucid dreams last? Like normal dreams, most lucid dreams last between 5-10 minutes. This is true for people with lucid dreaming experiences. It’s common for beginners to come to their senses, but the dream ends within seconds. The dream was maybe 20 minutes.

It is very difficult for normal people to realize at that moment that they are in lucid dreams. Some people have the ability to control these dreams by going through certain training. By keeping a dream journal, you can also start controlling your dreams. Dreambook App gives you the perfect space to record your dreams and categorize them by themes.

