Different Types of Dreams

A dream is a series of images, emotions, or sensations that our brain produces while we sleep. While dreaming can occur at any stage of the sleep cycle, rapid eye movement sleep is the stage that produces the most memorable and vivid dreams.

Many functions of our body are disabled during sleep. However, our brain still continues to work. Dreams are also a set of images in our subconscious.

There are many types of dreams, including healing, divination, recurrent, lucid dream, and nightmares. People can have multiple dreams per sleep session, which can last from 10 seconds to 45 minutes.

Types of Dreams

Dreams can be the most exciting or the scariest part of our night! There are 5 different types of dreams.Nightmares, healing dreams, daydreams, recurring dreams and night terror. Whether you remember your dreams or not, most people dream in REM sleep every night.

There are different kinds of dreams that you can experience:

1. Nightmares

Nightmares are fear-inducing dreams. This dream state is the brain’s way of processing life’s daily stresses. Some common causes of nightmares are poor eating habits, previous traumatic events, illness, sleep deprivation, sleep disorders, or medication.

2. Healing Dreams

Healing dreams are dreams in which the dreamer can heal others or has a supernatural power such as telekinesis or telepathy. Dreams of healing can bring feelings of balance and reconciliation. They can help you convey a sense of peace or purpose through your subconscious.

3. Daydreams

Daydreaming refers to a set of thoughts that distances you from the outside world and makes you less aware of your surroundings. Daydreams occur when we are awake and are produced by the brain’s default mode network in response to a lack of stimulation. Types of daydreaming include escapism, fantasy, and visualization.

4. Recurring Dreams

Recurring dreams refer to dreams that we have repeatedly over the course of a sleep session or multiple sleep sessions. Recurrent dreams involve the same or similar images and feelings from previous events and can also manifest as recurring nightmares. Various theories suggest that recurring dreams are caused by risk aversion or other unresolved issues.

5. Night Terror

Night terrors are more common in young children than adults and are basically a type of sleep disorder. When a person experiences a night terror, they wake up terrified with a vague memory of the dream.

There are many types of dreams and their meanings. Whatever kinds of dreams you have, you need to analyze your dreams. All your types of dreams psychology have a message for you. To reveal these messages it is necessary to record dreams. You can use a dream journal for this process.The most common of these is the Dreambook App.

Dreambook app offers you many privileges. You can categorize your dreams according to the above types and create an order. You can add titles and make it easier to find out which dream it is later. You only need to set a reminder to remember to write down your dreams while the Dreambook app offers them to you!


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  • there are a lot of different types of dreams. and it is almost impossible to know all of their meanings. In order to learn them, I started to use a dream journal. I can pick the moods of my dreams which is very helpful for interpretation. Different types of dreams, different types of meanings