What is Recurring Dreams Psychology?

Recent research suggested that recurring dreams are more popular than they are thought to be, as between 60 to 75 percent of American adults experience them from time to time. Considering the massive influence of dreams in our daily lives, we should understand how they interact with our mentality. Therefore, understanding the psychology behind recurring dreams is vital for our well-being.

Some Basic Questions

Before diving into the more direct effects of recurring dreams in human psychology, we can discuss some interesting statistics, such as the frequency of recurring dreams in different sexes and whether these dreams are mostly negative or positive. Understanding these might seem unfruitful at first glance; however, such statistics explain the nature of such dreams and their influence on our psychology better.

Who Experiences Recurring Dreams?

It might be hard to make a causal explanation; however, we know that women tend to experience recurring dreams more often than men. It might be a research topic on its own, but in a quick look, it would not be wrong to argue that something in the mentality of women can be behind this difference between the two sexes.

Psychology: Good or Bad Dreams?

Another interesting question that is popular among people is whether such dreams have a good or bad effect on our psychology. Well, although this question’s answer needs a deeper explanation, we can basically argue that the influence of such dreams on our psychology depends on the form of the dream itself. For instance, was it a bad dream like a car crash or tooth loss? Or was it a better one? That being said, considering the 77 percent of such recurring dreams to be negative, it would not be wrong to conceptualize recurring dreams as visions that have an adverse effect on our psychology.

Mental Problems and Recurring Dreams

Recurring dreams have also been connected to poor mental health and problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Individuals suffering from generalised anxiety disorder commonly encounter disturbing nightmares; however, the substance of the dreams varies. If you are upset or concerned about your reoccurring dreams, it is critical that you address your worries to a specialist.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health illness caused by watching or undergoing a frightening incident. Flashbacks, nightmares, acute anxiety, and uncontrolled thoughts about the incident may very well be among the symptoms. In addition, a negative type of recurring dream can also trigger such a problem. If you experience such negative recurring dreams, the time to visit a specialist might have already come.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Another severe mental problem that we can track the influence of recurring dreams is generalized anxiety disorder, in which seeing such negative visions regularly can cause a general form of anxiety that you might need to struggle with. It can seem less dangerous than post-traumatic stress; however, if you do not act fast to take necessary measures, it can lead to the point that it will be so hard to get rid of.


Get Psychologically Better with Dreambook

There is nothing to feel worried about. Experiencing such dreams, regardless of their being good or bad, is very common and very humane. Before taking more professional steps, such as going to a specialist like a psychiatrist or applying to medicine, you can take some basic self-measure steps to feel better. While doing so, Dreambook is ready to be your greatest helper. You might be surprised to hear about the capabilities of such a small application but trust us: such capabilities can be life-changing for you.

Your Personal Dream Diary

You will begin to see links between your dreams after utilizing Dreambook. It will assist you in making connections between your real-life and your fantasies. You may be confident that Dreambook can maintain your data private and hidden behind prying eyes. Having such a rich personal dream diary can help you track the similar types of recurring dreams you have seen and how they affected your psychology afterwards.

Dream Blogs

We are aware that the idea sounds exciting. With Dreambook, you will not only be able to record your dreams and ideas about them but also reach other people’s dreams as well. Who knows, maybe seeing another person who experienced a similar kind of a recurring dream you had the night before can help you make some conclusions and let you decide what to do next faster.

Final Words

Recurring dreams do not have to always be negative. Although it is rare, we know that they might also bring happiness and a good taste after experiencing them. However, if you encounter the more common negative type of them, you should have no worries. As long as you act fast to identify the psychological implications behind such dreams, you can prevent any mental problem from having deeper roots. Dreambook can help you fight these negative recurring dreams with its great arsenal on how to track dreams and understand your dreams.
