Lucid Dreaming Shifting Methods

shifting methods

In lucid dreams, all things are possible. A trained lucid dreamer can manipulate everything with lucid dreaming techniques and everyone within a lucid dream and can direct the narrative of the dream in any way they desire. A skilled lucid dreamer is omnipotent within the dream world, having god-like powers.

However, when it comes to using your lucid dreams for reality creation, you need to walk a very thin line between dream omnipotence and playing in a dreamworld that reflects the waking world in very real ways.

Visualize it as a people chain. You know those paper doll chains people make when they are kids? See it as if you are one of the dolls on the chain, and every doll is a different possible version of you stretching to infinity, in every possible scenario. It sounds as if it is not possible but with lucid dream-shifting methods, it is more real than you can imagine! 

Some scenarios and worlds are so strange that your current physical mindset cannot interpret them. It has no basis to interpret it. On a spiritual level, you’ll have some sense of it, but on a physical level, you will have trouble translating.

It’s like a piece of hard-drive downloading information from a USB chip or the internet – your brain is the hard drive, and you are porting yourself between possible instances of yourself. Now, let’s see what are ten steps for shifting lucid dreams to have better lucid dream control! 

The 10-step formula for lucid dreaming reality shifting

1) Script or outline what your lucid dream will involve while you are awake, i.e. the reality you wish to shift should be clearly outlined in your mind before you go to sleep.

2) The reality you create must be possible i.e. being rich, having a hot partner, losing weight etc. It cannot involve magical manifestations that defy the laws of reality. You can’t shift to a reality where you are an alien overlord and king of the earth!

3) Consider visualizing the dream in your mind while you are awake to help give you a basic outline for creating a scenario in your lucid dream.

4) Once you go to sleep and start dreaming, create a lucid dream environment that reflects the reality you wish to shift to, i.e. the reality that you outlined while awake.

5) Make everything as normal and real as possible in the dream. No impossible designs or crazy unreal scenarios, please! You cannot use your omnipotent dream powers to create magical things when you are trying to manifest in the real world. 

6) Act out the scene that reflects your desired reality. Immerse yourself in the new reality.

7) Enjoy playing in that reality and know that it is real. This will not be hard to do, as lucid dreams feel just as real as real life.

8) Enjoy the process. Do not see it as hard work. Enjoy the reality in the same way that you would enjoy it when you experience it in the real world.

9) When you wake up from your dream, mentally affirm that what you have just experienced was a future event. Also, after waking up, you can write your dream to a dream journal, like the Dreambook app. It’s easier to keep a dream journal digitally as you can access it through all of your devices.

10) Try to repeat the same lucid dream every time you become lucid until your reality starts to shift.

Besides these techniques, if you also have a habit of keeping a dream journal, it will be easier for you to have a lucid dream. You may write your dreams in a notebook with a pen. Alternatively, you can also use Dreambook Journal! Dreambook Journal is an application where you can take notes about your sleep patterns and the dreams you’ve had to become aware of them and to practice lucid dreaming. Download Dreambook Journal now and have your dream journal with you all the time! 





