How To Stop Night Terrors?

how do you stop night terrors

Are you experiencing night terrors? If you said yes, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll answer the question: how do you stop night terrors? Night terrors are recurring night terrors that occur while you sleep. Sleep terrors are another name for them.


When a night terror begins, you will appear to have woken up. You may call out, cry, walk around, or show other signs of fear. Although you usually don’t wake up, it can last from a few minutes to 30 to 40 minutes. Most people fall asleep right after a night terror.


Night terrors are more prevalent in young children, but you’re not alone if you’ve had them as an adult. An estimated 2% of adults also experience night terrors. Is it the same for adults? In reality, this number may be higher because people often do not remember experiencing night terrors. How to stop night terrors in adults?


Read on to learn more about how to stop sleep terrors.

1. Look For Patterns

Keeping a dream journal is an effective treatment to find the underlying cause of your night terrors. And you can learn how to stop having night terrors with a dream journal. For this, it is more effective to use an online dream diary, as opposed to traditional methods. You can reach anywhere, anytime. 

Thanks to the Dreambook app, which offers you many more features in addition to its easy accessibility, you can see the meanings of your dreams as soon as you write them down, and reveal the underlying causes of your night terrors. It is a more effective method than using drug therapy. The Dreambook app offers you a better and happy night’s sleep.


2. Build Good Sleep Habits

A good starting point is to get yourself on a regular sleep schedule. You may find that getting enough sleep on a regular basis is enough to fight night terrors.

Try to avoid using electronic devices, work, or stimulating activities before going to bed. Instead, try meditating, relaxing in the bath, or reading a book. Avoiding caffeine late in the day and limiting alcohol use may also help reduce attacks. Making a bedroom comfortable and quiet can also help. This is the best answer for the question of how to stop sleep terrors.


3. Other Sleep Problems

There are many sleep problems that cause night terrors. These may be restless legs, sleep apnea. If night terrors coincide with sleep apnea, treating sleep apnea may improve night terrors.

When it comes to our bodies, everything is linked. You never know what minor underlying health issue may be contributing to night terrors. So don’t miss any details and take care of your health.


4. See A Therapist

Night terrors can be an indication of stress, trauma, anxiety, despair, or other mental health issues in some people. If you have tried many things and still do not know how to prevent night terrors, consider getting support from a therapist.

A therapist can help you identify underlying problems, develop new coping tools and prevent night terrors.


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  • I used to have night terrors. It was scary and I didn’t know what to do. Firstly, I learned that is normal. After that, I started to use a dream journal. Thanks to it, I learned the underlying cause of my night terrors. Also, writing them down felt good. It is a good opportunity.