WILD Method For Lucid Dreaming

Wild technique for lucid dreaming is one of the better and most powerful lucid dream initiation methods. In wild technique lucid dreaming, the person tries to stay conscious while going from the waking state to the dream state. In reality, this is a step beyond contemplating the hypnagogic condition. The effort may be serious at first but can lead to very successful and rich lucid dreams. And like many techniques, practice makes it increasingly easier to enter the dreamland with complete clarity.

What Is Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming?


This wild method lucid dreaming originates from Tibetan Dream Yoga, a Buddhist philosophy used as a pathway to enlightenment.

The WILD method is very similar to WBTB, it requires a little more brainwork. It tends to be more natural during bedtime or when you wake up in the morning and almost fall asleep.

You will need to lie down and relax until you experience a hypnagogic hallucination or one that occurs when you are about to fall asleep. 

The key is to recognize your body’s sleep signals. Once you identify the natural triggers and responses to falling asleep, you will be able to benefit from the lucid dreaming process.WILD is simple, but difficult to learn. Practicing other lucid dreaming initiation techniques will increase your chances of wake-induced lucid dreaming.

Wild Lucid Dreaming Tips


1. Lie Down And Relax

This is the first of wild lucid dreaming tips. You can lie in bed or wherever you want to dream. Try sleeping in a corpse pose, or whatever you feel most comfortable with. Take deep, slow breaths. Remember, your goal is to immerse yourself in a dream while remaining conscious of the process of falling asleep.

2. Think About Your Dream

When you stay awake for at least an hour, return to your bed or wherever you want to have your lucid dream. There you can say something like “I’m going to have a lucid dream” or “I’m about to dream again”. Dream a dream recently or gradually invent a dream you want to have. Imagine in layers, starting with the outline and filling in the details.

3. Do Reality Checks

Reality check/reality testing is training your mind to be aware of itself and its consciousness. Perform waking reality checks to increase your metacognitive abilities. There are numerous approaches to this. You can ask yourself if you are dreaming frequently and look for clues as to whether you are dreaming. Look in the mirrors to see if your reflection is distorted. You can check the clock to see if time is progressing at a consistent rate.

4. Enter Your Dream

As the scenes unfold, try to imagine more details or physically interact with the elements you see. Imagine doing something active, such as biking, climbing stairs, or swimming. Engaging your senses in the dream will help you move from your physical body to your dream body.

If you want to lucid dream, try the lucid dreaming wild technique tips listed above. These techniques can train your mind to be aware of its consciousness when sleeping.

Except for these, you can use an online dream journal. The Dreambook App is one of them. This app offers you many privileges seeing your dreams more vividly and developing the Wild method for lucid dreaming. To see the meanings of the symbols in your dreams, to classify your dreams are a few of them. By starting to use it, you can discover more and provide sleep hygiene.


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  • I always wondered about lucid dreaming. One day, I saw the WILD method for it and started to search about it. There is a keyword for the WILD method: relax. However, it cannot be easy all the time. So, I started to use dream journaling and it helped me to develop my WILD method for lucid dreaming. It is worth trying.