Why Should We Record Dreams?

Dreams are important for all ages. Dreams encompass goals and more. Dreams give purpose, direction, and meaning to life. They influence your life decisions, assist you in moving forward, and provide you with a sense of power and hope.


They are powerful sources of information. Your subconscious mind is still very active, that is, when it goes out to play, it brings to the fore the thoughts that have been hidden in it for a long time. 


Dream recording can help you better comprehend the most irrepressible portion of your brain and realize your latent imagination, allowing you to come up with fresh ideas.

Reasons of why should we record dreams

1. You become better at lucid dreaming

When you master lucid dreaming, you have complete control over not only the items in your dreams but also the dream situations themselves. This is a good thing. 


Lucid dreaming as a phenomenon has been known for a while now. Lucid dreaming is dreaming knowing that you are dreaming so that you can control your dreams. The path to lucid dreaming is through dream recording.

2. You are communicating to your unconscious

Your unconsciousness represents the hidden part of your conscious state. Your unconscious is a whole you in its own right. That part of you sends you subtle messages that contain all kinds of information.


When you record your dreams immediately after you wake up, you are sending a message to your subconscious mind, and you are listening to what you have to say. Over time, you will better understand the information that it is trying to send to you and it will also send you more information.

3. It can boost your creativity

Due to the infinite nature of the unconscious, it can be an important source of creativity. Because your unconscious mind does not experience the world the same way your waking mind does, your dreams are not limited by the same rules as reality.


Sometimes you can find your muse in your dreams, and record dreams can help you locate the next picture, song, or novel to write. And if you’re a writer, writing your dreams can even improve your essay writing skills.

4. You can see patterns in dreams


Sometimes, the unresolved things in your brain will show up in various ways in your waking life. You may find that you have developed certain coping habits due to attachment patterns that you developed as a child, or you may find yourself suffering from anxiety or depression, or some of these states are caused by traumatic events in the past.


By repeatedly dreaming or recurring important details in your waking life, keeping a dream diary for a long time can reveal patterns, and the more familiar your mind is with these patterns, the more you can start processing them.


 It is good to keep a dream diary to keep track of the activities of your waking hours. Especially using the dreambook app,one of the online dream diaries, thanks to its accessibility everywhere, you may look back on it and see patterns in your thoughts and actions that can help you work through challenges, mature, and perhaps make better decisions in the future.



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  • My friend suggested to me record my dreams. At first, I didn’t understand why. Then, I read an article about it. They say that recording your dreams can boost your creativity. As a songwriter, they were right. After I started to use a dream journal in order to record my dreams, my creativity increased. It helped me a lot.