What Not To Do In A Lucid Dream?

Many people experience lucid dreaming and enjoy it. During lucid dreams, you could do pretty much everything you want to. It could resemble a VR simulation inside of your mind while you are sleeping. Some say it helped with their anxiety and stress. Of course, just because lucid dreams enable you to do so does not mean you should do anything. You should know several things that you should not do during lucid dreaming. What should you not do in a lucid dream? Firstly, you should be in a healthy and positive state of mind and should not have bad intentions before lucid dreaming. Also, remember that you will not be in real life danger during your dream. Here are the things you should never do in a lucid dream:

1.Don’t Think of Something You Fear

What not to do in a lucid dream? keep your thoughts together. Some consider lucid dreams as a way of coping with or overcoming their phobias; however, it is not the best without any guidance and if you are a beginner. You should remember that every single fear you have is already bottled up in your subconscious and if you start thinking one of them, others could come up, too. So, you should wait before you try to overcome your phobias during lucid dreaming until you become a little more advanced. It’s also important not to get scared during lucid dreams. You should always remember that you are in control and you could wake up whenever you want to. There is no way to get stuck in a lucid dream!

2.Don’t Try Something Exciting Right Away

It may be tempting to try something exciting, such as flying, while lucid dreaming. But too much excitement will lead to you waking up. So, you should be careful while trying something exciting.

3. Don’t Dream About People From Real Life Too Much

If you spend a lot of time on real-life people in lucid dreams, it can begin to get confusing as to which memories are real and which ones were just dreams. You should try not to make real-life people the focus of your lucid dreams because it will lead you to create fake memories.+ with those people and you might get frustrated or confused at the end. 

4. Don’t Spin Around Too Much

One of the best methods to stabilize your lucid dreams is to spin in a circle, but when you spin around too much, you might end up waking. 

5. Don’t Look into a Mirror

Looking in a mirror is not suggested for lucid dreams. Because, most of the time, what you will see in the mirror will be a scary or a distorted version of yourself. So, you should not look into a mirror. But if you do, you should know that you should be prepared for what you might see. Remember that if you get too scared, you will probably wake up.

6.Don’t Focus on Your Real-Life Body

Once you are in a lucid dream, you might wonder about your real-life body. You should try to distract yourself from thinking about your body, because you could accidentally shift your awareness from your lucid dream to the real world and end up waking. 

7.Don’t Close Your Eyes

You will wake up if you close your eyes for too long in a lucid dream. This tip could be helpful because when you have a nightmare during your lucid dream or you want to wake up, just close your eyes!

