What is Visitation Dreams Psychology?

It is often a struggle to get used to the fact that your beloved ones, who were once alive and next to you, are no longer around. People can experience the traumatic aftermath of losing a parent, close friend, partner or relative for quite a considerable time. Such uncomfortable situations also reflect on your dreams as anything in your waking life. To understand the psychology behind such dreams, one should first aim to understand what precisely these dreams come from.

What are visitation dreams?

Basically, visitation dreams are the visions in which you might see your loved ones, including family members, close friends, or even sometimes your pet. In these dreams, you might find yourself speaking with them or having a good time together. These dreams can be harrowing and stressful, depending on the nature of your relationship with those people in real life and your engagement with them in the dream. Especially people who experienced a bitter way of seeing their beloved ones for the last time alive can see stressful and problematic dreams.

Although the nature of visitation dreams requires extensive research. An interesting article counts eight possible characteristics of such dreams, which we can use to understand their connection with the psychology behind visitation dreams.

They feel real

The most striking feature of these dreams is that they are so realistic that you cannot understand that what you are having is merely a dream. Because of this, such dreams can leave a strong impact afterwards. 

You don’t need to ask yourself

As an extension of the previous characteristic, in a visitation dream, you rarely need to ask yourself if it is a dream. Your conversation and time spent can feel so real that you might even think what you saw in your sleep was the reality, and what you see now after waking up is a dream. Sometimes, we all wish for it, don’t we?


You remember most dreams for a relatively short period—unless you record dreams—whereas a visitation dream can leave such deep marks on your mind that you can recall what you have seen or experienced for a long time. In some cases, people who experience such dreams can remember every single detail of these for the eternity of their lives.

Healthy appearance

In the dream, the person—or animal—will nearly always seem to be totally healthy and behaving sweetly. They will rarely seem unwell or damaged. They will never be irritated, disillusioned, unhappy, or punitive. Instead, as they’ve been linked with the absolute, they will be “complete, perfect, and flawless.”

Clear communication

In these dreams, almost every boundary that real life imposes upon us dissolves, and we can talk and interact with our beloved ones flawlessly. Sometimes it is even possible for people to communicate with their pets. The emotions that result from such talks always persevere in a deep place of your heart, even if you don’t remember them word by word.

There is a purpose

It might be hard to identify precisely the main message there; however, these dreams always have a purpose. Whether it is your subconscious or those you lost recently, there is always a hidden message in the depths of such dreams. 


Such themes are frequently “reassurance” in character. They come back to tell you that everything is OK and that they would like you to be cheerful. Of course, they will occasionally arrive with caution; nevertheless, when they do, they will provide you unconditional support, and you will feel comfortable in their company.


Although it depends on how you got separated from loved ones, such dreams leave a good and lovely impression on your heart. You might need some extra time to think about them as they always leave a long-lasting mark behind them, but feel relaxed. Just as you could never forget about your beloved, a part of them will stay with you forever. 

Dreambook to remember

Understanding and tracking such messages can often be hard to achieve, especially considering the sensitiveness of visitation dreams. Nevertheless, thanks to Dreambook, you will be able to analyze your psychology after these visitation dreams much more comfortably.

Dream Journal

By using the dream journal feature of Dreambook, you can save your memories and feelings after seeing such visitation dreams. It is a wonderful opportunity considering the freshness of these details. Dream Diary is another feature that you can utilize to maximize your effectiveness in understanding these details. After all, you can always come back later and understand what you experienced and what it can mean in-depth in your psychology with a calmer mind.

Dream Calendar

It might be unlikely; however, have you ever thought of the possibility of your having such impactful dreams only during influential dates in your life. For instance, what if you see your passed away mother in your dreams precisely during your or her birthday? With Dreambook, you can pay closer attention to the occurrences of visitation dreams based on their timing. 

Last Words

It is never easy to get used to the world once again after losing someone you loved. Whether it was a family member, close friend, partner or your beloved animal, never forget that even seeing such dreams signals that a part of them is forever with you. Try to see things from the bright side and find a good meaning from all these visions. Dreambook will always be with you, and no matter how much time passes, it will do its best to make you remember and understand your beloved ones by providing you with some of the most necessary tools to interpret the visitation dreams you have seen and the psychology that comes along with them.
