What Is Conscious Dreaming?

We spend about six years of our lives daydreaming. That’s 2,190 days or 52,500 hours. We are aware of our observations and feelings in our dreams, but we are not as conscious as we are while we are awake. This explains why we fail to realize we are in a dream and often confuse these strange narratives with reality.

Some people, on the other hand, have the potential to experience awareness throughout their dreams by activating certain portions of their consciousness. They even take control of the fantasy world.

Conscious dreaming occurs when a person is asleep but only aware that they are dreaming.  In this case, a person can control the narration of his dream to some extent, essentially guiding the course of his dream. This condition is also called lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming and consciousness are related to each other.

Lucid dreaming consciousness is one of many abnormal experiences that can occur during sleep. Experts agree that everyone has the ability to have lucid dreams. But only a small percentage of people learn to do it on a regular basis.

Conscious Dream Techniques

When dreams and consciousness come together, lucid dreams occur. After a certain amount of repetitions, mastering the lucid dreaming technique and directing your dreams every time you sleep becomes fairly simple. You can control your dreams at any time with a few techniques.

1. Practice Reality Check

When you consciously dream, you tend to confuse your reality with dreams. In such cases, it can be a little difficult to control your dreams as you may not be able to tell the difference.

Something as simple as reading a sentence in a dream, counting fingers, or checking time helps us along the way by being checked frequently.

2. Keeping A Dream Diary

It is one of the best tips for conscious dream for beginners. You will have a better understanding of your dreams as you write down your dreams every morning. As a result, you will be able to dream lucidly.

Make it a habit to jot down your dreams as soon as you wake up. You may ask why. Because if you wait, they may slip out of your mind. When this habit develops, you connect better with your dreams.

The Dreambook app is the most popular online dream diary. The first thing you should do when you wake up in the morning is to write down your dreams. In order not to forget, you can set reminders thanks to the Dreambook app.

You can classify your dreams according to their types and contents. And most importantly, the Dreambook app gives you the opportunity to translate your dreams. You can easily find the meanings of the symbols in your dreams.

3. Sleep For Conscious Dreaming

Whether you’re falling asleep again in the morning, falling asleep for the first time at night, or trying to fall asleep again at 3 am, try setting a goal of lucid dreaming.

4. Make Your Room Comfortable

The key to lucid consciousness or just dreaming is a comfortable room. Make sure you choose the right room and have the right bed. If not, find the perfect mattress for your needs. Then you can make sure the lighting is well adjusted. These are really important in terms of giving comfort.

Applying these techniques and when you are rem consciousness, conscious dreaming occurs.



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  • I saw a lot of information about conscious dreaming on the internet. However, the other pieces of information are complicated. Since I discovered the app, I learned how to do conscious dreaming and even tiny details about it. It is easy to learn.