What are Visitation Dreams?

A “visitation dream”, as it is known among psychologists and dream specialists, is a vivid and memorable dream about the deceased. Visitation dreams are the kind of dreams we remember for the rest of our lives, which is why they can be regarded as a highly potent form of what Carl Jung termed “big dreams.”

It’s possible to have such dreams when grieving for a loved one, particularly in the weeks or months following their death. Their effects may be on either end of the spectrum: they can bring you great comfort or leave you feeling frightened and stressed. 

If you recall that they have passed away in your dream, you may begin to feel uneasy, or their sight may fill you with delight. You may simply stay in the moment during some visitation dreams, unaware of your loved one’s death until you wake up, which can be an upsetting experience. Such moments can be challenging to focus on the details, especially if the person you are dreaming of has recently passed away.

In either case, you should know that dreaming about people who have passed away is a widespread occurrence. In fact, some experts believe the widespread belief in life after death may have some roots in visitation dreams.

Despite their unusually vivid nature, very little research has been done on visitation dreams, except for some recent studies that have shed light on some of their fundamental characteristics.

4 essential features of visitation dreams

Jennifer E. Shorter from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology identified some common elements of visitation dreams in the course of her doctoral dissertation, “Visitation Dreams in Grieving Individuals: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Dreams and Grieving.”

It is usually easy to recognize visitation dreams since they differ considerably from regular ones. Some of the characteristics of most visitation dreams include:

  1. The deceased often appear as they did in life, not as they did in sickness. Indeed, they may appear younger and healthier than they did in their last days.
  2. The deceased brings a message of reassurance to the dreamer. More often than not, it is communicated telepathically instead of verbally.
  3. It is not as disjointed or bizarre as regular dreams. Visitation dreams are usually straightforward, vivid, and intense.
  4. Visitation dreams are almost always life-changing experiences for the dreamer. There is a resolution of the grieving process or a deeper spiritual understanding.

Visitation dreams meaning

One thing’s for sure: Visitation dreams tend to be much more literal than symbolic dreams. So instead of needing dream interpretation, you usually wake up with a clear grasp of the dream’s purpose and significance. 

Writing down your dreams can help you better make sense of the conversations and events in the dream. But, even if you don’t, you’ll certainly remember these dreams for a lifetime, as they are undoubtedly some of the most remarkable dreams in life.
