Common Dream Symbols

Have you ever realized that there are some prominent themes and patterns emerging from your dreams? These are dream symbols. That is very common because our brains are wired to some symbols. These symbols can have hidden meanings behind them, and it is up to you to interpret!


There is significant meaning behind dreams. Some dreams will have conscious and unconscious symbols, but not every single aspect of the dream will have a hidden significance. Some objects you will see are just background items your brain creates for no reason. Then, how are you going to know what you should pay attention to? The best solution is to keep a dream journal


Dream journals are a fantastic way to discover the significant symbols in your dreams. Thanks to the dreambook app, an example of an online dream diary, the moment something comes to your mind, you can reach your dreams wherever you want.This way, you keep track of your dreams and meaning. When writing about your dream, think in the present tense as if you’re experiencing the dream all over again, and highlight anything that stands out. When you see a pattern emerging, you will know that those symbols are the one you should pay attention to.


Then, you can interpret these symbols according to the dream dictionaries. Keep in mind that some symbols may have other meanings not included in the dictionaries, but the common ones are covered. Definitions of common symbols can also be subjective, so it is important that you work through and with them. Think about the context of your dream while interpreting.

Common Dream Symbols And Meanings


Now, let’s look at some of the most common dream symbols that may emerge in your dreams- and their meanings!

  • Dreams Where You Fall

Dreams, where you fall from a high place, are classics. You have probably experienced these types of dreams many times, yet you may not know what these dreams signify. You may fall anywhere in the dream: from the top of a building, a cliff or anything.


Just like how falling feels (which is anxious), these dreams tend to point to your awake anxieties. When you dream about falling from somewhere, think about the whole context of the dream. Your anxieties may be related to other symbols.


  • Being Chased in A Dream

Being chased by, for example, a serial killer in a dream is very stressful. Like the situation itself, this event is about the stress of your awake self. Being chased is about some things you are scared of. The important thing is correctly remembering who is chasing you, and why.


These symbols can show you the roots of your daily anxieties. If you are experiencing these dreams a lot, you can do activities that reduce stress like dream journaling, meditating, or practicing awareness.

  • Dreams About Childhood Houses

Seeing the house you grew up in a dream is also common among many people. You should never ignore the places your dreams take place in. We often inquire about objects and people, but the setting and location are the core of our dreams. The childhood house is significant because it is about your childhood (as expected).


Your subconscious may be trying to show you a conflict in your childhood that is unresolved, that you should work through. Moreover, the house you grew up in can also be about the root of your problems.


Make sure you remember what event is going on in the house. Which people are you talking to? What are you doing in the house? These questions can lead you to the symbol you have to focus on.


  • Dreams About Schools

These symbols are usually embedded in dreams that are related to your past experiences. In the school context, you may be late to school, or be on the first day of school, or fail a test. Like the falling symbol, school is also about your anxieties. 


However, there is more. The school symbol in our dreams points to something we should learn from the past: A lesson or test we overlooked. You should again think about the whole context, the people around you or the test you are taking. These clues will show you the path to your anxieties and overlooked lessons.

  • Seeing Somebody Die in A Dream

Death is scary for all of us, and seeing it in a dream, especially a realistic one, is even scarier. It may be your death or the death of someone you know. Yet, seeing a death event in a dream is not as bad as you think. It can be related to a new beginning!


Seeing someone die in a dream points to a significant shift. You may be going through a breakup, a workplace change, a lifestyle change or anything. Again, the context is important. Who is dying, and why? Death in dreams can also be an alert: you should change something. Thus, death is not as scary as you think when it is in a dream!



View Comments (3)

  • I learned that every symbol of our dreams has a meaning. Keeping a dream journal helped me to learn these symbols’ meaning. For example, if you see water in your dream, it is probably about your emotions. After I wake up, I write my dreams and I can find the meanings of symbols that I have seen.

  • In my dreams, there is a symbol that is never changed: house. Day by day, my curiosity increased about this symbol. Then, I learned that the house represents our mind. Every detail about the house reflects us. House is the most common symbol that I have seen in my dreams and now, I know the meaning of it.

  • In our dreams, symbols are important because they are telling us something. A few years ago, I didn’t try to learn anything about symbols. However, day by day, I started to wonder about their meaning. So, I started to keep a dream diary. After I wake up, I write my dreams and I learn their meanings. I wish I did it before