Best Reality Checks For Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dream best reality check

Reality check is the most important step of entering a lucid dream. If you can perform your reality check techniques well, you can master the art of lucid dreaming in a short time!


Simple reality checks performed both during the day and while sleeping are one approach for creating lucid dreams. By practicing lucid dream reality checks throughout the day, you will develop a habit of doing so in your dreams as well. 


Reality checks are easy assessments that may help you determine whether you’re awake or dreaming.  The most essential thing to remember while making reality checks throughout the day is to be attentive of what you’re doing. Use your five senses to think that you could really perform these things if you had the ability. 


Reality Testing Techniques


Here, we have gathered the best reality checks for lucid dreaming. You can use these methods to know if you are dreaming or not. The first one is pretty straightforward!


Ask Yourself If You Are Dreaming


Getting into the practice of asking yourself whether you’re dreaming or not will make it easier to do so when you’re sleeping. To remember yourself to ask the question, use post-it notes in strategic locations throughout the house. 




One other reality testing for lucid dreaming is jumping. In reality, you will return to your regular state; nevertheless, in a dream, you may leap extremely far and float back down. 


Check the Time


This is one of the best lucid dream reality checks. Is it possible for you to tell what time it is? Is the clock shown as it usually is? Wearing a watch throughout the day might help you develop the habit of checking your lucid dreaming reality. 


Look in A Mirror


Our final lucid dream reality check is looking in a mirror. In actuality, you are aware of your appearance and the clothing you are wearing. When you gaze in the mirror in a dream, you could notice that you have a different haircut or outfit on, or that you are younger or older than you are today. This will assist you in recognizing that you are dreaming.


Try Dreambook App To Get Better at Lucid Dreaming


If you are looking for a digital place to keep a dream diary, explore the meanings behind your dreams and more, the Dreambook app is the right choice for you. In the app, you can categorize your dreams however you like, see the repeating symbols and discover your unconscious mind. Interpreting dreams has never been easier.



View Comments (1)

  • I know lucid dreaming reality check but I didn’t know which is most useful. I picked the suitable one for me. For me, keep telling yourself ‘I am dreaming now.’ is very useful. It helped me my lucid dream journal.