Benefits of Dreaming

dreams' benefits

Even though we conceive of sleep as “powering down,” our brains are far from resting while we sleep. When there is no external stimulus or ideas, the brain utilizes this time to clean, consolidate memories, and imprint new knowledge. And we now know that one of these nighttime processes is dreaming.  But why do we dream? Actually, there are many benefits of dreaming in a quality night sleep. 


What Are The Benefits of Dreaming?


Then, what are the benefits of dreaming? There are many benefits of dreaming, and they can be clustered in 5 categories. Let’s check the health benefits of dreams.


Sleep Helps With Depression


Sleep is undeniably good. Humans spend more than two hours each night dreaming, according to the National Sleep Foundation (with the most vivid dreams occurring during REM sleep). The hippocampus, the brain’s memory core, produces fewer nerve cells when rats are denied REM sleep for four days. (1) 


Dreams Help With Processing Emotions


Other benefits of having dreams are about our emotions. According to a new study, we’re more likely to dream about emotionally intense events during REM sleep, and theta brain waves are one way the brain consolidates such memories. As a result of its function in processing painful events, several researchers are looking into how REM sleep plays a role in trauma healing and mood regulation. 


Dreams Enforce Memory


While some experts believe dreams are only a consequence of sleep, others feel they are crucial for memory consolidation and conflict resolution. Cartwright has discovered evidence that dreams may aid with mood control. (2)


Nightmares Prepare Us For Bad Situations


If you are not convinced and still ask, why should we dream if they are useless- well, this might convince you. Nightmares are most common during REM sleep, but unlike lucid dreams, these powerful, often disagreeable imaginings occur with lower prefrontal brain activity, which means less emotional control and a higher sensation of arousal. These experiences, according to researchers, are the brain’s way of preparing us for when horrible things happen. 


Dreams Enhance Problem Solving Skills


Dreams don’t merely repeat what we’ve seen or learned; they also build whole new mashups and correlations between what we’ve seen and what we know. As a consequence, our dreams provide a window into our most creative, unrestricted selves, as well as novel ways to problem-solving. (3)


Use Dreambook App to Create a Digital Dream Journal


The Dreambook app is the right choice for you if you’re seeking for a digital place to maintain a dream journal, investigate the meanings of your dreams, and more. You may organize your dreams whatever you like on the app, observe the recurrent symbols, and learn about your subconscious mind. It’s never been simpler to decipher your dreams with Dreamapp! 









