Can You Feel Pain In Dreams?

Dreams can be perplexing, with strange plotlines, unusual characters, and puzzling experiences and feelings. Dramatic and ostensibly painful events might occur, but how much of this are we experiencing? Do we sense pain when we scream in pain in a car accident? Is feeling pain in dreams a natural phenomenon? 

“Why Do I Feel Pain In My Dreams? Is It Real?”

Then you may ask, Why do I feel pain in my dreams? The subject is complicated, and there is a lot of intriguing research on it. Yes, you can feel pain in your dreams, but a neurological maze can determine whether that pain is caused by the dream or something happening in your body.

Pain in dreams differs from “actual” pain since it is caused by content of the dream rather than a real-life stimulus. Someone might dream about being tortured in ways they’ve never experienced in real life. On the other hand, the envisioned trauma is still felt as pain in the present, most likely as a result of taught judgments of traumatic situations. Pain in dreams normally fades away as soon as the dreamer awakens. When it comes to your chances of having midnight aches and pains, your overall health appears to have a role in the frequency and type of pain you can experience in your dreams. According to a 2017 study, pain in dreams happens in about 1% of healthy people’s nightmares and 30% of those with acute or severe pain (1). “Pain dreams in patients may be triggered by actual pain, whereas pain memories may trigger pain dreams in healthy people.


Well, can you sense pain in your dreams? Yes, however, your waking health will most likely determine whether the pain is “real” or “dreamed.” The best way to explore this phenomenon is to use the Dreambook app. Dreambook is a dream journal that can also decipher your dreams. You can write down your dreams in the Dreambook app, then look back and connect the dots in your dreams, see if there’s a connection and answer your question, “Can you feel pain in dreams?”.


