Why Do We Forget Our Dreams?

Eight hours of sleep each night means spending about one-third of your life sleeping. With this in mind, it’s odd that we have no recollection of any of this, even though we spent the entire night experiencing great dreams.


Many people dream in their sleep. Some are very complex and have long dreams, while others are simpler and shorter. Sometimes we have such dreams that we are still under the influence when we wake up. If we are faced with a situation that frightens us in our dreams, it is possible that when we wake up, our heart rate accelerates and we are out of breath.


But we forget even dreams that have such a great impact on us when we wake up in the morning. But why is this? Although, when we try so hard to remember them why do we forget dreams?

Reasons Of Why Do We Forget Our Dreams

It is the common problem for all of us, forgetting the dreams we had at night when we wake up in the morning. However, forgetting is normal.  But why do we forget our dreams? Of course, there are some reasons for forgetting.

  • Stress:

It is one of the worst enemy’s dreams. Studies have shown that stress not only interferes with and reduces REM sleep, but also increases the number of wakes during the night. That’s why the dream is not completed and remains incomplete. Both of these things can make it easier forgetting your dreams.

2. Your Diet:

That’s right, your diet not only affects your body while you are awake. Research shows that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, fiber, and limited vegetable oil helps to get a good night’s sleep and strengthen memory.

3. Trauma:

You can think of trauma as stress but much more intense. This can lead to insomnia. Not only that, it completely suppresses the recall of dreams to make you forget the painful nightmares.

4. Substances:

This is bad news for people who drink a glass of wine before bed. It’s likely messing with your sleep. Studies show that bedtime alcohol and also marijuana have a negative effect on REM sleep and dream memory.


5. You’re Not Paying Attention:

Lastly, most dream experts have revealed that some people are more interested in dreaming and studying the dream world than others. The more you need to remember yourself, the less likely you are to forgetting dreams after waking up.

If you’re interested in improving your dream recall, consider making a simple change. Keep a dream journal. This is a very important tip. By putting a pen and notebook on the bedside table, it becomes easier to write down your dreams as soon as you open your eyes before they have had a chance to fade.


You can also eliminate the need for pen and paper by using an online dream diary.The dreambook app is one of such journals.Owing to the app, you can use it wherever you go and also whenever you wake. Writing down your dreams can promote the improvement of dream memories. You can read your dreams whenever you want because the dreambook app will always be with you.



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  • I really wanted to remember my dreams but I couldn’t. So I've been keeping a dream diary for 2 weeks so that I don't forget my dreams as soon as I get up in the morning. Because I have a stressful work life in my daily life and that's why.