What is a Lucid Dream?

Have you ever started to dream and suddenly realize that you are dreaming? Have you ever managed to take control of your dream’s story? If your answer is “yes” to any of these, you have experienced what is called lucid dreaming.But, probably you do not know what is a lucid dream.

Dreams have always been a perplexing aspect of our existence. No matter how fantastic the hallucinations are, the brain still has the capability of conceiving them as a real phenomenon and with the concept of lucid dreaming, things go to another level.

You can recognize your thoughts and feelings while dreaming. You can change the people, the environment, or the story. This form of control dream has the ability to minimize anxiety and nightmares.

Lucid Dream Meaning

Lucid dreaming occurs when a person falls asleep but only knows that they are dreaming .It is the general answer of lucid dream meaning.

Explore lucid dreaming  is a fascinating possibility. Unlike regular dreams, in the stage of lucid dreaming, you are very much aware that you are in a dream and your consciousness is also able to control your dreams.  

You realize that the events flashing in your brain are not actually happening. But the dream feels alive and real.

Lucid dreams occur when a person is asleep. As a result, in this state, one can have some control over the narration of the dream, essentially guiding and directing the process of the dream.

History of Lucid Dream

Lucid dreaming was first observed and explained thousands of years ago. Awareness of dream states in dreams has played a role in Eastern religious traditions, including Buddhism.

Developing the dreamer’s ability to be aware that he or she is dreaming is central to both the ancient Indian Hindu practice of Yoga and the Tibetan Buddhist practice of dream Yoga. The creation of such awareness was common practice among early Buddhists.(1)

The first written record of a lucid dreaming experience was described by the Greek philosopher Aristotle (2). In his work On Dreams, he described reaching a state of consciousness from his dream state. Early references to this phenomenon are also found in ancient Greek writings.

How Lucid Dream Works?

Make your bedroom dreamlike. Dreams occur during REM, the final stage of your sleep cycle, which occurs in increasing amounts in the second half of the night. To enjoy more dreams, you need to enjoy a more comfortable sleep so that you can get as much REM as possible.

Every time you fall asleep, repeat the sentence “I will be aware that I am dreaming.” Every night as you sleep, say to yourself, “I’ll know I’m dreaming.” or repeat a similar sentence until it leaves your consciousness. Learn to recognize your own personal dream signs. Read your dream diary regularly, looking for recurring dream signs. These are recurring situations or events that you may find in your dreams. If you are familiar with them, you can recognize them as they are dreaming and thus realize that they are dreaming.






View Comments (3)

  • Sometimes in my dreams I could strangely change the environment and see what I wanted. I had no idea how I could do this without realizing it.I discovered that such controlled dreams are lucid dreams and that I can do them whenever I want.

  • I do lucid dream often because in lucid dreams I can direct the process of my dream as I want. I can experience my lucid dreams, which were involuntary at first, when I first realized that I could see lucid dreams, now I can experience them whenever I want.

  • Some nights in my sleep I realized that I could control my dreams as I wanted. When I researched, I learned that this is a type of dream called lucid dreaming. I've done a lot of research on how to do it willingly. Now I can lucid dream whenever I want.