How to Achieve Lucid Dreaming?

Lucid dreaming occurs when you realize that you are dreaming. Lucid dreams encourage people to think imaginatively. Thus, the mind becomes more active and problems that seemed hopeless before can be resolved in this way. In fact, thanks to these dreams, people can become more positive people, because thoughts and problems that push the person to pessimism can come to light thanks to these dreams.


The lucid dreaming technique trains your mind to pay attention to your own consciousness. Sometimes lucid dreams happen spontaneously. To explore how to lucid dream, try the following tips:

6 Techniques About Achieving Lucid Dream

Mastering the lucid dreaming technique and controlling your dreams every time we sleep is pretty easy after a certain number of repetitions. With these techniques, your dreams can be controlled. Keep reading to learn more about lucid dreaming and how to achieve lucid dreaming.

1. Maintain good sleep hygiene

Continuous sleep hygiene helps to have lucid dreams. Find a sleep schedule that suits you and stick to it. Keep your sleeping environment cool and dark. Avoid caffeine and alcohol at night.

2. Use a dream journal

This is the most important rule of how to have a lucid dream. Lucid dreaming requires metacognition, awareness of your own thoughts. A consistent dream journal is a great way to improve your self-awareness and potentially increase the frequency of lucid dream control.Especially keeping an online dream journal.  It is much easier to access an online dream diary unlike paper. Thanks to the dreambook app, you can write your dreams every time. Even when you suddenly remember a moment of your dream.

3. Develop a reality testing system

This technique involves regular reality checks where you notice you’re awake throughout the day. The goal is to raise awareness of your ideas and get used to distinguishing between reality and dreams.


4. Try to go back to sleep

When you wake up from a dream, lie down in bed and write down everything that comes to mind in your dream diary. Then close your eyes, try to fall asleep again, and concentrate on dreaming. Play dreams in your mind, but this time, imagine that you realize that you are dreaming. When you fall asleep again, keep focusing on this.

5. Recognize the signs of your dreams

Do not just record your dreams in your journal, and that’s it. You should check your dream journal regularly and look for patterns. Do certain themes or characters appear over and over again? These can give you an in-depth understanding of the types of problems that your inner psychology is concerned about. More importantly, they will help you start to recognize when you are dreaming.

6. Use the MILD technique

The MILD technique stands for Mnemonic Induction to Lucid Dreaming. Repeat the same phrase to yourself every night as you fall asleep. It should be “I know I am dreaming” or something similar.  Keep repeating until you fall asleep.

You may urge your brain to recognize this when you start dreaming by repeating this mantra, which will increase your chances of having lucid dreams. You learned how to lucid dream tonight, try it immediately!





View Comments (2)

  • I know the lucid dream type, but I've never been able to willingly have that type of dream. That's why I started keeping a good sleep hygiene and dream diary. I have been able to do it regularly for 1 month and now I can achieve lucid dreams.

  • When I wake up I write my dreams. This is my new hobby. And I realized that keeping a dream journal would help me to achieve lucid dream. After a few tries I realized that it really works. Now I can do whatever I want in my dreams.